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The competitions in Fencing are conducted in the weapons of EPEE, FOIL and SABRE. The weapons are used for attack and defence in competitions. A competition is the aggregate of the bouts (individual competitions) or of the matches (team competitions) required to determine the winner of the event. Competitions are distinguished by weapons, by the competitor's sex, by their age and by the fact that they are for individuals or for teams. All competitions in Fencing are judged with the assistance of an electrical recording apparatus. Only the indication of the recording apparatus can be taken into consideration for judging the materiality of hits. If a weapon does not conform to the prescribe measurement, the competitor will not be permitted to participate in the competition. A brief description of the fight in the three categories of weapons are given below:


(A) EPEE : (i) The Epee is a thrusting weapon only. Attacks with this weapon are therefore made with the point only. At Epee the target includes the whole body of the Fencer including his clothing and equipment. Epee competitions are judged with an electrical recording apparatus.

(ii) The total weight of the EPEE ready for use is less than 770 gm. The total length of the weapon is 110 cm. The blade which is triangular in section without cutting edges, is made of steel. It should be as straight as possible and mounted with the grove uppermost. The maximum length of the blade is 90 cm. The width of any of the three sides of the blade is 24 mm. The EPEE has two electric wires, glued in a grove in the blade, which connect the button to two of the three sockets situated inside the guard and which form the active circuit of the EPEE. The body of the EPEE is connected to the third socket.


(B) FOIL: (i) The FOIL is also a thrusting weapon. Offensive actions with this weapon are made therefore with the point only. The hits which arrive on the target are counted as valid. The target at FOIL excludes the limbs and head. It is confined to the trunk. Foil competitions are judged with an electrical recording apparatus.

(ii) The total weight of the FOIL ready for use must be less than 500 gm. The maximum total length of the FOIL is 110 cm. The blade which is rectangular in section, must be made of steel complying with the safety standards prescribed. The edges must be smoothed off so that they will not cut and must be chamfered at an angle of 45o so that they will neither cut nor become capable of cutting. The blade is mounted with the widest face placed horizontally. The maximum breath of the blade is 90 cm. The FOIL has a single wire, is 90 glued in a grove cut the whole length of the blade, which permanently connects the pointed arret to the corresponding socket inside the guard.


(C) SABRE: (i) The SABRE is a weapon for thrusting and cutting with both cutting edge and back of the blade. The target comprises any part of the body above a horizontal line drawn between the top of the folds formed by the thighs and by the trunk of the Fencer when in the on-guard position. Only hits which arrive on target are counted as valid. A hit arrived on a non-valid part of the target is not counted as a hit. Only hits registered by the apparatus will be taken into account.

(ii) The total maximum length of the SABRE is 105 cms. The total weight of the SABRE ready for use is less than 500 gm. The blade which must be of steel, is approximately rectangular in section. The minimum width of the blade at the button is 4 mm. Its thickness immediately below the button must be atleast 1.2 mm. The maximum length of the blade is 88 cm. The sabre blade must have a flexibility equivalent to a bend of minimum 4 cms and maximum 7 cm measured in the following way.

(iii) The blade is fixed horizontally at a point 70 cms from the tip of the blade (2) A 200gm weight is hung 1 cm from the tip (3) The curve is measured at the tip of the blade between the weighted and unweighted positions. The SABRE will have a guard. It must be full in shape, made in one piece and externally smooth. It must have a convex form which is continuous, without rim or holes. It must be able to pass through a rectangular gauge measuring 15 cms by 14 cms in section with a length of 15 cm, the blade being parallel with the axis of the gauge. Inside the guard, there will be a socket into which the body wire is plugged. The two sockets of the body wire plug must be in direct contact with the body of the guard, making a closed electrical circuit through the body wire, the spool and the cable connecting the spool to the scoring apparatus. The grip and pommel of the guard shall be completely insulated.


(D) PISTE: The field of play used for fencing is called the PISTE. Competitions at the three weapons are fenced on the same PISTE. The PISTE is made from 1.50 metres to 2 metres wide. Its length is 17-18 metres. The conductive PISTE must be made from metal, metallic mesh or substance with a base that is conductive. The PISTE is mounted on a wooden platform. The height of the platform is 50 cms and its width is 6 metres. Two sets of electronic apparatus for scoring are required for every Championship. The apparatus is fixed on a wooden stand during the competition. The weight of the platform, podium, electronic apparatus, wooden stand and piste would come to 5 to 6 Tons.




(a) The swords, costumes, piste etc. are very sophisticated equipments and these items are not manufactures indigenously. Early steps have to be taken for importing latest types of equipments and costumes from foreign countries.

(b) The equipment and clothing must provide the competitor with the maximum protection compatible with the freedom of movement necessary for Fencing. It must not be possible for the opponent to be obstructed or injured by the equipment. Fencers clothing must be made of sufficiently robust material and be clean and in good condition. Clothing must be made entirely in cloth able to resist a pressure of 800 Newtons. The Jacket must include a lining making a double thickness of material for the sleeve down to the elbow of the sword arm and covering the flank upto the region of armpit. The Breaches must be fastened below the knees. The gauntlet of the Glove has to cover half of the forearm of the competitor's sword arm to prevent the opponent's blade entering the sleeve of the Jacket. The Mask of the competitor must be made with meshes of maximum 2.1 mm and from wires with a minimum gauze of 1mm diameter. The mask must include a safety strap at the rear.



The following costumes and equipments are required for the protection and safety of the Fencers as well as for their better performance in competitions.

1. Jacket 2. Breaches 3. Gloves 4. Mask 5. Body wire and plug 6. Breast Protectors 7. Plastrons and half Jackets 8. Weapons for Foil, Epee and Sabre 9. Spare Blades (10) Fencing Shoes.

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